David's Website

Hello! My name is David and I am a software engineer who focuses on full-stack web development. I generally work with Typescript and C#, though I enjoy learning and using new languages and tools.

About Me

At my day job, I work on a population health management platform for healthcare providers, payors, and pharmacies.

I strive for a deep understanding of any topic that I am studying. Recently, I have become interested in the topic of compilers and interpreters. The current project that I am focusing on is an implementation of a statically-typed imperative programming language language in Rust. I have found that studying programming languages has brought me a deeper understanding of how all software works.

Recent Posts

  1. Tutorial: Implementing JSON parsing (Rust)

    Published: 2024-06-27

    Learn the fundamentals of parsing by implementing JSON parsing from scratch

  2. Web Design: Responsiveness without breakpoints

    Published: 2023-06-10

    An experiment in responsive design without breakpoints

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Current Projects

  1. blog.davimiku.com

    A static website for writing blog articles and tutorials

  2. Unnamed programming language

    My own programming language: a statically-typed, applications level language that JIT compiles to machine code.

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